however these options are only available to the creator of the Door or chest. Holding down the E Key over player crafted Doors or Chests will activate the option icons used to lock or unlock it and to input, create or change the Doors password. Used to open a Door or search a container. However, while the Weapon is aimed down the sight the player’s characters movement will become very slow. For firearms and the Crossbow, right clicking will allow the player to aim down sight for greater accuracy.For blocks or traps, this action places them at the cross-hair on the selected area.For Pipe Bombs and Small Stones, holding the Right Mouse Button down will power up the strength the projectile will be thrown at.For consumables like food and medicine, this action will consume one unit.Used to activate an item’s primary effect. Swinging a Tool or Weapon whether hitting something or not will drain your Stamina. For Pipe Bombs it will ignite the fuse, but don’t forget to use the Right Mouse Button to throw them!.